
November news 2022

Cambourne Lawn Tennis Club: Award Ceremony and Winter membership.


CLTC is hosting its Club/Christmas Awards afternoon Sunday 11th December, from middady. We will be running some festive games on court followed by festive snacks and the handing out of awards  over at the Upper Cambourne Cricket Pavilion. Details will follow via our website but please SAVE THE DATE (Sunday 11th December, 12pm). 

Sticking with the seasonal theme, our winter membership prices are published and available. The many options include family memberships for £60 and single adult memberships for £35. Please check out the membership section on our website to see the all of the available options that give unlimited play until 31st March 2023.

CLTC Website: contains detailed information about the club including events, coaching sessions, teams and how to become a member.