Subscriptions 2023/24

 Membership Categories and Annual Subscription

Adult £180 (or £186 by instalments)
Family - 2 adults plus up to 4 juniors £360 (or £372 by instalments)
Family - 1 adult plus up to 4 juniors £180 (or £186 by instalments)
80 years and over £55
Adult in Full Time Education £63
Youg Adult (18 - 23) £63
Intermediate (14 - 17) £48
Junior (7 - 13) £30
Junior (6 and under) £10
Social £12


Junior and Intermediate Membership

As the Club subsidises coaching for both Junior and Intermediate members they must be Club Members before they can take part in Coaching sessions.


This category is for members not yet of club standard. To enable Improvers to reach club standard as soon as possible the Club provides free coaching on a Monday evening. Improvers are also strongly encouraged to take part in open sessions.

To join our club please email the Membership Secretary, Lynette von Kaufmann, at