Membership Info - How to become a member of Carmarthen Tennis Club

Membership Fees For the year 1st May 2024 to 30 April 2025

All  Members renewing or people applying for Membership of Carmarthen Tennis Club must complete the  Membership Application Form and send it to the address indicated on the form with their payment.


First Time Adult £50

Adult £90

Student (18+ in FTE) £50

Junior (aged 4-8) £25

Junior (Aged 9-17) £45

One parent / one child membership (entitles parent to play with child on court during allocated time)£70 for one parent / one child with £25 per child thereafter

Family membership = 2 parents and 2 children (entitles parent to play with child on court during allocated times)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  £140 for 2 parents and 2 children with £25 per child thereafter

Senior 60 yrs + £60

Social member £25


Members information:  All information relating to Club Members are strictly confidential and no sharing of members details is allowed.  Reminder that all appropriate footwear and clothing must be worn at all times whilst on courts (i.e correct tennis shoes, top, bottoms, tennis clothing or similary etc).  Access will be restricted to any person failing to adhere to the request of the Club.