Court Brushing

To keep astro courts in good condition  they need to be regularly brushed. This is a time consuming procedure but if every member shared the effort at the beginning or end of a session the courts would benefit greatly. 

There are brushes on each block of courts. The  following should be done: 

• Brush each court both width wise across the  whole surface (ie from tram line to tram line) and lengthwise (from the net to the fence).  

• To ensure effectiveness of the brushing exercise,  when dragging the brush, try and keep the handle as parallel as possible to the ground so that weight is applied to the bristles to add impact on the surface rather than skimming over the top. 

Astro Courts also benefit from being played on regularly. It keeps the surface dynamic and prevents the build-up of silt and the sand from compacting.  With the addition of our 3 new courts, we have noticed that courts 6 - 8 have often remained empty.  It is essential that these courts are used to keep them in optimum condition, so please do your bit by rotating the courts on which you play. 

With the recent dry weather, they are very playable so please help to keep them like that!