Welcome to Chiseldon Tennis Club

2024 - 2025 Membership available

2024-2025 Membership is open. Existing members will have received an email letting them know their membership will auto-renew(if enabled) or that they need to manually apply. Please check your spam folder if you haven't seen the email. 

Chiseldon Tennis Club offers:

  • Singles and doubles social play including club sessions on Wed(6.30pm-10pm) and Sun(10.30am-1pm)
  • Organised activity for groups - for example Cardio tennis
  • 1:1 and group coaching from our head coach Lauren. Email laurenprince92@outlook.com for more information
  • Pay and Play is available at Chiseldon Tennis Club. It is £10 per hour. To book a court please email chiseldontennisclub@gmail.com or text or ring : 07753199950 (Julie Porte).

Chiseldon Tennis Club General Information


Guidance for club sessions:
- These will be organised using the Chiseldon Tennis Club What's App group.
- Please add your name in the What's App Group on WEDNESDAY for the Wednesday club night and no earlier than SATURDAY for Sunday club morning. * Please message the What's App group if you sign up and then find you can no longer attend.
- If you are a member of Chiseldon Tennis Club and are not in the club What's App group please email chiseldontennisclub@gmail.com and request to be added, please include your first and last name and mobile phone number and ensure you have What's App installed.
- Players can mix courts but remember social distancing and use wipes / hand sanitiser. 

Guidance for booking a court:
- Members must log in and book a court  before turning up. They are not be able to just turn up and play. 
- The latest government advice regarding respiratory infections including Covid can be found here:
- The clubhouse toilets are open.
- The kitchen and changing rooms are available.
- Guests are permitted to play - only when accompanied by a member.
- Guests must pay £5 per day
- If bringing a guest or guests please pay £5 per guest per day directly into the Chiseldon Tennis Club bank account, the account details were emailed to all members and are account OO917OO2, sort code 3O-98-41.
- All players names must be entered when booking a court. Click 'Advanced' and then choose 'Add participant' to enter each additional name up to a maximum of 4 per court.

Pay and Play is available at Chiseldon Tennis Club. It is £10 per hour. To book a court please email chiseldontennisclub@gmail.com or text or ring : 07753199950 (Julie Porte).

The Committee are constantly assessing government advice and guidance from the LTA and will provide updates here and by email.


We are based at Chiseldon Recreation Field. We have 3 outdoor courts, all of which are floodlit and fully accessible to wheelchairs. We are an LTA affiliated club and we are TennisMark accredited.

We are a friendly and social club and welcome members of all abilities and ages.

Chiseldon Tennis Club was founded in 1983. We are a non-profit organisation run by volunteers.

Enjoy Your Tennis



You can find out more about safeguarding at the club here.

How to find us

Chiseldon Tennis Club
Recreation Ground, Off Norris Close

Get directions

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