Pay & Play

Non-members can enjoy Pay and Play at the club for £10 per hour. This is typically available on court 3. It has its own separate gated entrance, and the gate code will be provided upon booking. You will only be able to book 1 week in advance. We hope to automate the booking process in the near future and so make it easier to follow :-)

Only club members will have access to the court lights, so please bear this in mind when booking your court.


Booking a Court

1)  To book a court, you need an LTA account

-> Log in to your account at the top right of this page

-> If you don't have an account, register by clicking Register at the top right of this page. Once registered, return to the Chiseldon Tennis Club web page and sign in.


2) Go to Bookings section and select your desired date and time to play. You can only book a slot on court 3. The minimum booking time is 60 minutes. Check that your desired court time is available and take note of the amount payable.

3)  Make a bank payment transfer from your bank to:
Account Name – Chiseldon Tennis Club
Sort Number – 30-98-41
Account Number – 53051018


4) Email or text or ring: 07753199950 (Julie Porte)
confirming that you have made the transaction on court3 stating the day and time. You will then receive the current gate code.

5) Lastly....  enjoy your tennis. Please ensure you relock the gate after your session :-)