Safeguarding Policy

                               Christ Church Lawn Tennis Club Safeguarding Policy


  1. The CCLTC committee will  oversee the writing, then revising at suitable intervals, a Safeguarding Policy, a Diversity & Inclusion Policy and a Code of Conduct. These will apply to all members and other people who participate with CCLTC activities and at any venue e.g. our coach, guests, visitors. At present we have no paid employees.
    These policies will available on-line as well as a printed paper copy stored in the bench on Court 4.  Members are encouraged to read through them. They are based on LTA (British Tennis) values.


2. All children and adults should be able to play tennis at CCLTC knowing it to be a safe and inclusive environment. Members and their guest should be treated with respect and kindness, encouragement and honesty. Every player is expected to uphold the values of Fair Play and Tennis Etiquette. Many members will have grown up learning the written and unwritten rules, but for newcomers to the game a Code of Conduct may be drawn up.


3.  A Welfare Officer must be appointed, receive DBS clearance for working with children & vulnerable adults and given LTA approved safeguarding training. Any child or adult may contact him/her if they have a concern regarding their own welfare or safety.
Anyone who has a concern for another member of the club or their family may also contact the Welfare Officer. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility – and not just at CCLTC. The WO will normally contact the LTA’s safeguarding team for support to get correct help and guidance.

Our Welfare Officer is at present Mrs Louise Cummins   email:-  


4. Protecting confidential information – Confidential information relating to a safeguarding or diversity and inclusion issue will be stored securely by the Welfare Officer. This will probably be shared by the Chairman of the club, but only essential information need be divulged to the committee +/or other members.
Care will be taken when processing and saving on computer or other electronic device.
Persons involved will be able to know (unless the club is otherwise advised by police) what information is stored about themselves and for how long it will be kept (normally less than 7 years, unless the LTA or police are still investigating).


5. Concerns should be addressed immediately.
Anyone who raises a concern, either for themselves or another, should know that their problems will be treated seriously, with respect and positively. British Tennis has produced its own strategy of Recognise, Respond and Report which will be followed. The WO, Chairman or other committee member may work with other agencies e.g. British Tennis, the NSPCC, the police - depending on the situation.
Any concern will be listened to, whether the problem occurs on CCLTC premises, other sites or on-line.


Useful contacts


CCLTC Welfare Officer  - Louise Cummins


British Tennis Services Team,
Tel:  0208 487 7000           Mon-Fri  9am – 5pm


NSPCC (For adults concerned about a child) 0808 800 5000

ChildLine (For children and young people)   0800 1111                                                  

 Police  (if there is  immediate danger)  999             

                This policy should be reviewed by September 2024                              June 2021