
Winter 2021

Winter News


Firstly the club would like to thank all of the volunteers that have worked so hard at the club during “Covid” which we have not completely finished with but things may slowly be getting back to normal.

On the Club front we have spent some of the time during lockdown maintaining the club. We have had the lights serviced and cleaned to ensure a trouble free winter use (hopefully) and have purchased a set of portable lights so that any winter coaching can go onto the bottom court freeing a court for members to use. We have had the bottom (or multi-court) cleaned and repainted so there are no confusing lines and it looks the same as the rest of the club.

In addition committee members have volunteered to do ground maintenance, cutting down trees, clearing the car park, spraying moss killer and we have painted the chalet and hitting wall. Thank you to everyone who has given up their time to help.

On the tennis front we competed in the summer Derby league and friendly matches in the Burton Area league as well as Team Tennis fixtures for all age groups. Thanks to everyone who captained and hope players enjoyed the experience.

News on the Club development front is mixed however. The Padel Court Plan is going ahead and we have put in a bid to the LTA for support in building a court on the land between the hedge and Court 3. Action on this should be around the end of the year at the earliest. Work on developing the chalet into a changing room and toilet and the building of a club house has stalled however. Despite having planning permission it has been very difficult to employ a builder; we have tried local recommendations and other sources but without any luck. They all seem to be busy at the moment. If anyone knows of a suitable builder please get in touch with a member of the committee who can let them know the specifications.

Good news for one of our younger players is that Casey Mauro who was invited along with 15 other girls to a LTA event for Under 14’s at Gosling Park. She more than held her own getting to the semi-final where she lost to the number 1 seed beating the second seed in her qualifying group. She went to get third placing in the play-off. Well done Casey!