
New Season

Congratulations to Casey Mauro on her recent successes.  She won one of the 3 Youth  National Series tournaments that were held at various venues over the country last week. Casey won the Under 12 event held at Repton School so she join the other top 7 players that have qualified for the National Series Finals. The top 8 girls will battle for top spot at Corby on the 3rd May. 

The competitions season has also begun and we are awaiting details from Road to Wimbledon, Team Tennis and the Burton League as to how the season will be run. We will keep you informed when we can.  Meanwhile the Derby league has begun although in a slightly different form. There are no after match meals and players have to come dressed ready to play but at least the league can commence!!!

Please make sure you follow the latest guidelines from the LTA regarding social distancing when you are at the club and try to avoid gatherings after playing. For the moment the chalet is not really in use but access as always can be achieved from using the keypad. We also need all players to book online before attending coaching sessions for Track and Trace regulations.

We are trying to get a club social session started on Saturday afternoons for members who would like to play other members at no cost.(12.30 - 2.00) There is already one on Sunday mornings that is proving very popular and this is another opportunity for members. If you are interested please get in touch with either Julia Booth or Jeremy Fisk

In terms of court use we have been asking all players who are using the court after 7.00 to park outside on Bent Lane so that the gate to the Golf Club parking can be locked and no-one is trapped in!  Of course  when there are matches the team captain has agreed to do this. We also would like to point out that we have included payment for lights into your club membership this year rather than deal with tokens etc. The keys, per court, are in the cupboard at the side of the chalet. It would help if you switch off lights you are not using but be aware that switching them on again after use involves them warming-up for a while!!!!!

Just a reminder that the Early Bird payments this year have to be cleared into the Church Broughton Bank account by June 1st. The committee have agreed to give members a discount this year to make up for missed tennis last season. New members will not get this discount but there is the 15 months for the price of 12 offer still running. If you are having difficulties with renewing your membership please get in touch with Jeremy Fisk, Julia Booth or the membership secretary, Jo Gibbs-Jones.

Hoping we have a full and enjoyable season of tennis..........