How to book a court online

To book a court you will need to be registered on the ClubSpark system. Registering is easy.

From the club website click on the court bookings tab and the following screen will appear.


Once signed in, to book a court, click on the start time of your desired booking slot. Please note you are able to view the booking sheet by court or by date.

After clicking on the booking slot that you wish to book, the following overlay will appear:


Click on the dropdown to select how long you would like the court booking to be. 


Once the booking duration has been selected and any participants or guests added then you can proceed with clicking on the 'Continue Booking'at the bottom of the overlay.

You will be taken to the booking confirmation page, which will give details of the booking, as shown in the image below. There are no charges for members for courts at our club. You will also be sent a confirmation email.


Once you have confirmed your booking then you will be taken to the following screen:


There is a limit to the amound of bookings a user can make a day and if you reach that limit, you will see the message below:


If you continue to have problems booking a court and none of the above help and you are a current member of the club then email who run our system.