Junior Tennis

Who can enrol? Our outdoor classes are open to anyone aged 16 or under. Our indoor mini tennis classes are open to anyone attending primary school. All classes are usually heavily subscribed and you may have to wait for a free place. Coylton LTC members get priority.

How much does it cost? Junior coaching is held outdoors on our own courts, weather permitting. During the colder months, we use the nearby Activity Centre. See the Junior coaching tab for more information on pricing etc.

Which class? The coaches can advise which class best suits your child's current ability. At the start of the outdoor season the junior classes will use red, orange or green mini tennis balls or yellow full tennis balls depending on the age and standard of the players. Later on a class may switch to a more advanced ball if the progress of the players allows this. The indoor winter classes will all use mini red foam balls.

What else do we need? Trainers, and activity clothing suitable for the prevailing weather (no jeans allowed). Please ensure your child brings something to drink. Children can borrow a racket from the club, but should bring their own if they have one. If you want to buy a racket for your child, please speak to one of the coaches first, as playing with a racket that is too large or small will hinder your child's progress. The club will provide balls.

Bad weather? We can handle light rain or wind. Otherwise, phone the coach before travelling.

Attendance. We usually have a waiting list. You must contact us any time your child misses a class for 2 weeks in a row otherwise your child may be removed from the register and his/her place offered to another. Our lessons are progressive and children learn quickly; anyone missing lessons will fall behind.

Child protection. Coylton LTC adheres to the LTA child protection policy and all junior coaches/ helpers have been PVG checked. The Child Wellbeing Protection Officer (CWPO) is Joan Purdie who can be contacted at coyltonwelfare@gmail.com. Our Safeguarding Policy Statement can be found on the website here and the full Safeguarding Policy Document can be downloaded here.

How can I enrol for the coaching classes? Contact us at coyltonjuniors@gmail.com for an application form, or download one from the website here: Junior coaching enrolment form. Please be aware you may have to wait for a place.

How do I join the tennis club? See our Membership page.