
At Craighelen we take the welfare of all our members, particularly children and adults at risk, seriously. We work together to ensure we have a safe and inclusive environment. We strive to ensure that all children, young people and adults at risk are safeguarded from abuse and have an enjoyable experience at our Club. Everyone has a shared responsibility to support this.

To that end, the Club has adopted a Safeguarding Policy, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, as well as other policies related to the welfare of our members.

These can all be accessed on the Policies page.

Our club's Welfare office is Sandra Juster. She has attended safeguarding training, is PVG-checked and is a classroom assistant. If you need to discuss any concerns in relation to safeguarding or welfare at the club,  her contact details are displayed on a poster in the clubhouse.

You can also contact her by phone: 07986 646434 or