Play Tennis

Members of our club have four hard courts plus two grass courts in the summertime, all maintained to a high standard, on which to play tennis. With free floodlights on all four hard courts, members are able to enjoy playing social tennis all year round until 10pm.  Simply book a court online, no turn up and play.


Club Sessions

For new and existing members, there are plenty of opportunities to play social tennis and meet people at the same time. Club sessions are open to players of differing standards who know their way around a tennis court, offering the chance to play with stronger and weaker players; simply turn up and play. Prospective members are very welcome and we even let you have three free taster sessions!

Please note that you should be able to serve, volley and play rallies to attend club sessions. If you are new to tennis, or have only had some basic coaching, please contact us to arrange for individual lessons or enquire about a Beginners Coaching Course.


Weekly Schedule of Club Activities

  Time Session Information Contact
Monday 10:00-13:00 Club Morning Turn up & play-social doubles.
A good way to start the week!

Kevin Woolrich  01603 455381

Tuesday 18:30-20:30 Club Night Turn up & play-social doubles.
All are welcome!
Jenny Chambers
Thursday 18:30-20:30 Club Night Turn up & play-social doubles.
All are welcome!
Jenny Chambers
Friday 09:30-11:00 Ladies Coach-led Play (courts 1 - 4) Our very popular Ladies Morning- doubles coaching, with drills and practices to develop shot techniques, court positioning and tactics. Booking required. £5 per session More Info / Book
Saturday 10:00-12.00 Club Morning Social doubles. A rota of 16 players-8 men & 8 ladies
Contact Margaret to join the rota!
Margaret Robins 01508 470296


Monday Club Mornings, Tuesday and Thursday Club Nights

Sets generally comprise eight games but, at the organiser’s discretion, this may be reduced if the number of attendees exceeds court capacity to a significant extent. Sudden death (one point) deuces. When players have completed their set number of games, the organiser for the session will advise the next mix up of players.


Saturday Club Mornings

A social game for 16 players, men and ladies, organised by a rota on a three monthly basis. Mixed doubles is played, 3 sets of 8 games changing partners and opponents each set. If the score at the end of a set is 4-4, the pair who won the last game will be declared the winners. Sudden death (one point) deuces.

If people‘s availability changes during the lifetime of the rota there is a system of reserves contactable using a WhatsApp group. It is a very friendly group and new players are always welcome. Afterwards, some members adjourn to The Red Lion in Eaton, to socialise off court.