
2023 Club Championships

Entries are now open to adult members and will close on the 30th April.   Please click here to complete the entry form.

It's that time of year when we start to plan the Club Championships.   For anyone new to the cub, this is a great opportunity to play some competitive matches and have a bit of fun.   It all culminates in Finals day on the 2nd September which is always great fun for everyone.   Over the last couple of years, we have been seeking to open the championships to a broader range of members and have trialled an over 60's category for men and ladies.   Neither has been overly successful and for this year we have decided to, instead, run an over 60's mixed doubles.   This will be in addition to the open mixed doubles and the handicap mixed doubles.

Please do not enter if you are not able to play on the 2nd September.

And finally, a reminder that as per usual , entry to the Mixed Handicap final will follow the Mixed Handicap tournament which takes place in June and hence why it is not shown in the entry form.