
Launching Trial of Teens Casual Tennis

 On Sunday 26th March between 4 - 5pm, we are trialing a new Teens Casual Tennis.   Aimed at 12 to 16 years old, it is a drop-in casual tennis.

This is a trial session to gauge interest.   If it is successful, then we will run it regularly on the last Sunday of each month and perhaps even mpore frequently depending upon demand.   It is entirely a drop-in session, no prior booking required.   We still need to flesh out some of the details.

  1. The Teen will remain the responsibility of their parent at all times.   The club are making the courts available, but are not responsible for supervising.
  2. There will be a sign-in sheet which all Teens must sign in to.   It will contain the disclaimer of responsibility by the club.  
  3. There must be at least one parent present at all times.   The parent is only present to ensure the smooth running and is not responsible for the junior.   In the longer term, we would expect to have a rota in place.
  4. Parents may mix in to play tennis if that is needed.   No membership of CTC needed (recognising that not all parents are members and this is a session for Juniors).