Court Fees:
- Members – free
- Guest(s) - playing with a Member £5.00 per court per hour
- Non-Members - £8.00 per court per hour
- Floodlight cost (All courts) - £4.00 per court per hour (Members and Non-Members)
- Floodlight availability (All courts) - from 17:00 to 22:00
- Equipment hire - sorry, not currently available
Online Bookings (Members):
- If you haven't done so already, you'll need to create a 'ClubSpark' account linked to Cwmbran Tennis Club.
- To do this - click here and register using your membership email address and create a password.
- Future bookings - log into ClubSpark, 'View my bookings' select <View as Member> option from drop down, click on an available booking slot, select the <Book now> button and follow instructions to confirm your booking, including payment for floodlights to courts 1, 2 and 3.
- Add participant - when making a booking it's your responsibility to add the names of all participants, ie. members, guests.
Online Bookings (Non-Members):
- Refer to the Pay and Play sub page for details.
Mobile Booking App:
- The 'ClubSpark Booker App' is now availble - click here for smartphone links.
Codes of Conduct:
- Please review and familiarise yourself with the clubs Code of Conduct rules before arriving on court - click here for details.
Help and support:
- Please send an email to we will endeavour to reply as soon as possible.