Cwmbran Tennis Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all it's members.
Our Welfare Officer is Simon Davies who's available to discuss any safeguarding issues or queries at the Club.
Members who wish to raise a matter of concern may do so knowing that Simon shall deal with it sensitively, confidentially, discreetly and with honesty of purpose.
You can contact Simon via email at
Simon is also chair of the Club's Junior Sub-Committee providing a platform for the Club's Junior members to feedback their ideas and suggestions about the Club:
- Suggestion box - click here to add details.
- Joining the Junior Sub-Committee - If you're aged between 11-17 years and registered to either the Club's Junior or Junior On Coaching membership package then contact Simon Davies at
Safeguarding and Welfare Policies:
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Anti-Harassment Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Disciplinary Appeals Procedure Policy
- Diversity and Inclusion Policy
- LTA Online Safety and Communication Policy
- LTA Recording and Publishing Images Policy
- Safeguarding Policy (Full)
- Safeguarding Policy Statement (Summary)
- Safe Recruitment Policy
- LTA Transgender And Non-Binary Individuals Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
Guidance on reporting a concern:
Supportive links:
- Codes of Conduct - at Cwmbran Tennis Club
- Childline - 0800 1111
- Mental Health Foundation
- Mind - main site - 0300 123 3393
- Mind - Mental Health and Wellbeing Advice
- Torfaen Mind - 01495 757393
- NSPCC - main site - 0808 800 5000
- NSPCC - Child Protection in Sport Unit
- Rights of the Child
- Safe to Play Tennis
- Samaritans - Wales - 116 123
- Young Minds