
Club Re-opening

Copy of email sent to all Members - Sunday 8th November 2020:

In line with Welsh Government guidelines, you will be pleased to know that the Club will reopen tomorrow, Monday 9th November, following the firebreak period!

The summary infographic produced by Tennis Wales which describes the set of rules we will be following is attached. Please familiarise yourself with the current rules before attending the Club. The full Tennis Wales guidance can also be accessed online at:

The Committee is in the process of reconfirming our Covid risk assessment and any further adaptations which may be required in line with the updated LTA/ Tennis Wales guidance. Any changes will be communicated to members as soon as possible.

The rules for accessing the Clubhouse will remain the same. That is, members should wear a mask when entering (if aged 11 and over/ no medical conditions), with the Clubhouse only accessed for floodlight use. The Committee will be reviewing options for further re-opening of the Clubhouse in line with the guidance on hospitality venues.
Key issues and requirements you should be aware of are :
. Please use hand sanitiser regularly before, during and after play
. Bring your own hand sanitiser. Should you forget there is sanitiser on the clubhouse wall
. Maintain social distancing at all times
. Read the notices and follow the guidance and signage at the club
. Bring your own tennis balls and use them when you serve. You can share tennis balls if everyone on the court agrees. If anyone is uncomfortable with this approach then everyone should use their own balls

If you have any feedback or helpful suggestions we would be pleased to hear them. In the meantime we look forward to seeing you on the court again very shortly.

Your Club Committee