
Ladies team practice

Return of serve (2nd)

Tactical intention: building the point

Organiser - Pat Wilson

I am looking to kick-start the season by offering a return of serve clinic to the ladies team to help build confidence in your game and look to create a stronger team atmosphere. 

So if this appeals to you, please can you let me know if you plan on attending?

The details are:

  • Date: Tuesday 16th April
  • Time: 7-8 pm
  • No charge
  • 2024-25 Club membership - renewed


Game situation

Focussing on the second most important shot in tennis (return of serve).

Players will need to adapt an aggressive mindset, especially on the second serve, as the server will slow it down, giving it more height and is the ideal opportunity for the returner to apply pressure on the serving team.

Rather than just keeping the ball in play and keeping the point neutral, the returners will be focussing on speed in their groundstroke and taking charge of the point. 

We will also look at the following in the point scenario:

  • Court positioning
  • Direction of shot placement
  • Progression of point

Pat Wilson

Club Coach

Tel : 07969 160641