Court Schedule & Activities

Weekly Programme


General Club Use during day .   Evening club session from 6 pm, starting in April (mix and match doubles play) once clocks have changed


General Club Use


General Club Use


Mixed team matches on some Thursdays  (all 3 courts) April to August only . See pavilion noticeboard for home match dates, also in sub heading under 'Competitions' on website.


General Club Use 



Junior Coaching: 11.30am -12.30 pm and 12.30 pm-1.30 pm, (split into age groups) 2 courts only

Adult Coaching: 10.30am – 11.30am , 2 courts only

Club afternoon: 2.00pm – 5pm    , usually all 3 courts 


General Club Use



Club sessions, as indicated in the weekly programme section, are  informal sessions for any adult members to meet and play tennis.  We would especially welcome new members at these times. Juniors that are, or will reach the age of 17 in the current season are welcome to play on Saturday afternoons/Monday evenings.  The following simple protocols will be encouraged on these occasions:

  1. Doubles only will be played at busy sessions – Short sets only (First to 6 or setting at 5-all)
  2. Regular changes of partners and pairings should take place.

Please ask to join the WhatsApp group for the club session, or just turn up on a Saturday afternoon/Monday evening.

Tournaments will be organised from time to time throughout the season.

Harrogate League

The Club enter a mixed team in the Harrogate & District Tennis League.  Home match night is Thursday.

Match schedules for the team will be displayed on the noticeboard outside the pavilion.

Members interested in playing in the League and have not already told us, please contact the captain for potential of selection.


Adult and junior coaching with our Coach Chris Worwood is available on Saturday mornings for members only .  For further information see under 'Tennis Coaching' section. Details available with club membership.