Address :- Dacre Tennis Club, Max Pullan Recreation Ground, Dacre Banks, Harrogate, North Yorkshire. HG3 4EB
General Info
Dacre Tennis Club is a private members’ club on the Max Pullan Recreation Ground and associated with the Dacre & Hartwith Playing Fields Association, to whom the Club pays an annual quota. The Club is regulated by its written Constitution, a copy of which may be obtained on application to the Secretary.
Membership of the Tennis Club is by payment of an annual subscription decided at the AGM each November. Current classes of membership are :- Adult, Student, Junior , Family and Social Membership.
Subscriptions are due before the end of April each year and all club members chosen to play in League matches must have paid their subscriptions before League matches start.
Visitors are welcome on payment of a fee of £10 per court per session. Visitors’ fees are payable, before starting play, at Dacre Stores. A deposit of £5 will be requested for a key to the courts, refundable on return of the key. Members should not use visitors’ keys. Visitors will be allowed to attend Club sessions on payment of the appropriate fee for a maximum of three sessions only, after which they will be required to apply for the appropriate Club membership. Unaccompanied visitors may have access to the courts between the hours of 9am and 4.30pm from Mondays to Fridays and on Sundays.
Guests of members are allowed to play (with the member ) for a fee of £5 per occasion. This is payable to the club by BACS via our treasurer Tim Harper (see bank and contact details on the membership form on Home page) .
Courts Access
The courts are kept locked at all times. Members will be issued with a key on an annual basis for which a £10 refundable deposit is payable. For keys lost, there is a charge of £10. The locks are changed on 1st May each year so please remember to see the Club Treasurer to change your key.
Members are responsible for locking the courts after use and also for the safekeeping and proper use of the key.
Care of the Pavilion
Please help keep this superb facility clean and tidy. Please help by taking any rubbish away with you and avoid muddy shoes on the carpet etc. Members can get a pavilion key from Tim Harper for a fee of £10.
Your Club Committee
Chairman Anthony Comerford email : chairman@dacretennis.net
Secretary Jane Robinson email : secretary@dacretennis.net
Treasurer Tim Harper email: treasurer@dacretennis.net
Welfare Officer and DHPFA rep Anthony Comerford
Mel Welch
Sue Welch
Charles Andrew
Simon Robinson DHPFA rep
For any tennis club related welfare or safeguarding concerns, please contact Anthony Comerford via the above email address.
Club Child Protection Policy Statement
Good Practice at Dacre Tennis Club
ï Dacre Tennis Club aims to create an enjoyable environment for all juniors who wish to take part in tennis, and any other sport and social activities that may take place at the club.
ï The Club emphasises that young people have the right to be safe, secure and free from threat.
ï The Club acknowledges that young people have the right to be treated with respect and for their concerns to be listened to and acted upon.
ï The Club will ensure that junior members have specific programmes and facilities designated for them, with adequate supervision.
ï The Club has procedures in place to help any young person who requests support on a confidential basis, in issues relating to Child Protection.
ï The Club will ensure that the Head Coach holds an appropriate national governing body coaching qualification (or the equivalent) and that all coaches and coaching assistants working with children at the club have a valid DBS certificate indicating that they are suitable to work with children.
ï The club will ensure that any club members and volunteers working with young people are aware of and apply the Lawn Tennis Association Code of Conduct for Those Working with Children and have signed a club self declaration form in relation to Child Protection and where appropriate have a valid Enhanced DBS certificate indicating that they are suitable to work with children.
ï The club has an adult member who is specifically responsible for young people, who has a valid Enhanced DBS certificate indicating that they are suitable to work with children.
The person’s name is:
Anthony Comerford and the contact telephone number is: 07765420724
Email : chairman@dacretennis.net
Policy updated January 2025