New court resurfacing and Free Open Days Spring 2023
Tue, 11 Apr 2023 00:00

Our three tennis courts are being resurfaced with the artificial grass ‘Savanna’ during this month of March 2023. Thank you very much to all our members who made it possible financially, either through a donation or a loan, or by taking out a ten year membership subscription. We could not have done it without you. Thanks also to all the tennis committee who have worked hard to get this done. Special thanks to Tim Harper our treasurer who has spent hours chasing quotes and companies and is also overseeing the project now it is finally happening. Our hope is that this new surface will last many years.
To celebrate these new court surfaces, we have decided to hold some FREE open days , to allow people to see and play on the new courts, and we hope that this will also attract some new members. Please let any friends, neighbours and your families know of our open days -we will also be advertising them by flyers, social media and through the local paper and parish magazines.
Saturday 15th April 2-5 pm
Monday17th April 6-8 pm
Wednesday 10th, 17th and 24th May 1.30-3.30 pm.
Refreshments will be provided at all sessions except the evening one.
Participants need to wear tennis shoes or trainers and bring their racket if they own one, but if not we will have some spares available.
It is vital that we all look after the new court surfaces. This means always wearing tennis shoes on court, and ensuring they are clean before you start to play, by wiping them on the matting which has been provided outside each entrance gate. Also, a reminder that no dogs are allowed on the courts. Please also make sure you take all rubbish away with you after play. Hopefully if we all abide by these simple rules, the courts will stay looking good and playing well for many years to come.