Adult Tennis

Social and competitive tennis is available for all playing standards.


Social Club nights give you the opportunity to play doubles tennis in a relaxed atmosphere.

Box Leagues are a great way of playing competitive doubles at a level where you can compete and win... sometimes! 

American Tournaments are held on several Saturdays throughout the year and on other special days when we can find an excuse to run one!


Annual Tournaments 

There are 2 senior tournament periods in the club calendar: the Open Singles and Handicapped Doubles tournaments in May and the Open Doubles and Over-50s Singles tournaments in September.

Open Singles and Handicapped Doubles - Play for the honour of being the club Singles champion - men's and women's comps - or take your chance in the draw in the Handicap Doubles Tournaments - Men's, Women's and Mixed competitions. The handicapping system is designed to even out differences in playing ability so everyone has a shot at winning. Both Open and Handicap tournaments are run on a knockout basis but in the Handicap tournaments there's a plate competition for first round losers.

Open Doubles and Over-50s Singles - You can enter the Open Doubles with the partner of your choice. It's a knockout tournament and there are competitions for Men, Women and Mixed. The over-50s single tournament is open to both men and women and the final takes place on Junior Finals Day.

Tournament entry details are sent to members via email, Whatsapp and Facebook.