Executive and Finance Committee

The Executive Committee was elected by the Management Committee on 31st July 2023.

The role of the Executive Committee is to drive through the Incorporation Process and continue with the day to day running of the DTA.


President: John Last, johnlastbtg@gmail.com, 07860 867964

Chairperson: James Grindell, c/o Derbyshire Tennis Centre Ashe Place, Off Vincent Street, Derby, DE23 8BF. james.grindell@btinternet.com, 07968 058383

Secretary: Louise Walker, derbytenniscentre@gmail.com, 07534 062985

Treasurer: Frank Beer, frankhbeer@gmail.com, 07831 518382

Management Committee Representative: Jenni Connelljen.connell@ntlworld.com07718 163525

Junior County Cup Team Representative: John Briggs, pam.briggs@btinternet.com, 01773 602457