

2019 End of Year Social - BOOK NOW!

The Committee of Devizes Tennis Club duly invite you to attend the Club's end of year social event to be held at Devizes Sports Club on Friday 29th November from 7.30pm.

The event is open to both Tennis Club members and non-members so please feel free to extend the invite to your friends and family - as they say, the more, the merrier. Over 18s only.

The evening will be a relaxed and fun celebration of the year in the life of the club, with food, games and music. No formal sitdown, table plans, etc this year!

A delicious hot buffet will be provided by Ali Finney at Devizes Catering (Greg's good lady wife) and it goes without saying that the bar will be open.

The price for the evening is:
Members £20
Guests £18

We will also be having a 'bring a prize raffle'. All kinds of prizes will be accepted, big or small, serious or silly.

To secure your place at what promises to be a fantastic evening, please make payment to the Club via BACS (details below) ASAP and no later than Friday 22nd November:
Sort Code: 40-19-16
Account Number: 31340832

Please also email Social Secretary, Rich Volpi ( to confirm your attendance, please provide details of the number of people attending and payment details. If you are able to bring a prize for the raffle, please also let Rich know.