

Christmas Cracker Of A Club Night

Last night saw the last Tuesday Club Night before Christmas.  To get into the spirit of the season, after the tennis the group retired to the club house to enjoy a cup of mulled wine and a mince pie.

It was a thouroughly enjoyable evening with close to 20 people in attendance, spread over 5 courts.  The group consisted of regular club night attendees, match players, social players and some from the junior section.

Around 5 rounds of games were played, a combination of mixed, mens and ladies games, playing a format of 5 service games in order to change pairings regularly and play at a variety of levels.

Afterwards in the clubhouse mince pies (hot and cold) were dished out along with crisps, cookies and chocolates; and hot mulled wine was dispensed from a large thermos on loan for the evening.

It was great to catch up with fellow club members and a lovely way to wish everyone a Merry Christmas before going our separate ways for the holiday.