

Inaugural Autumn Tournament Off To Great Start

Autumn Tournament 2019

With a significant gap between the end of the Summer season and the New Year tournament in Swindon, we felt it the right time to try a regular Autumn tournament while before it becomes too cold to be on court all evening.

We set up this one in a similar format to our indoor Winter event at the Delta Tennis Centre, with pairs being randomly assigned and then given a score handicap based on their ability in order to even the playing field for each match.

We also implemented a fun no-let rule for serves, meaning that any serve that hits the net and goes in is in play and must be hit as usual, rather than another serve being taken.

The weather was nicely mild and we played under the floodlights while the evening mist came down.  Everyone brought a little snack and halfway through the night we lit up the BBQ to provide hot food at the end.

There were many no-let cords and lots of good play and fun between the competitors.  A close competition saw two pairs tied for third and second place respectuvely.  Topping the pile for the first iteration however, were Philip Piper and Ginny Dalrymple.

The whole evening was universally approved of and we look forward to returning at the same time next year where we will hopefully have an official trophy and title to go with it.