Box Leagues

We run regular Singles and Doubles box leagues for tennis members throughout the year attracting at least 100 participants.
To contact our box league administrator Email Max Wright
East Dorset Super Box Leagues
Our fast and friendly format is designed to get everyone playing more competitive tennis, in a relaxed and friendly environment.
There are leagues for all – Open Singles, and Mens, Ladies and Mixed Doubles. Entrants will be assigned a box. Depending on how many new entrants we have each time, sometimes the top one or two will gain promotion to the box above and the bottom one or two will be moved to the box below.
Our current Super League runs for matches played from 6th January to 27th April 2025
Detailed rules may accessed Box League Rules
Game Format – The winner is first to 9 games, so can be ideally played within 1 hour.
Sudden death deuce - receiver(s) decide to whom or which side.
Tie break to 7 points at 8 – 8.
For league results, you will be awarded a point for each game won, an additional point for each match played and an extra point as the winner. So, if you win 9 to 6, the winner will be awarded 11 pts and the loser 7 pts.
Anyone playing a match in the first few weeks of the new league (see date below), will receive 2 additional points for each match played, whether or not they win, so this is an incentive to play matches early. Any matches played, and scores reported by 28th February, will qualify for the extra 2 points.
Also, New for this Season, anyone completing all their matches by the end date (including Walk overs, if appropriate) will earn an additonal Bonus of 4 points, win or lose.
When you have completed a box league match the winner of the match should send the result, as soon as possible, to INPUT YOUR BOX LEAGUE RESULTS
Keep track of results by clicking Current Round Results
Our previous rounds of Box Leagues have now finished but you can view the detailed results of the last completed round by clicking Previous Round Results