
Membership options & prices

The club offers a number of memberships to suit different lifestyles.  

All courts have floodlights which means we can play all year round. (Play must finish by 10pm).

Yearly subscriptions are effective from April 1st to March 31st and are payable by bank transfer to:

Epping Tennis Club

Sort Code: 40-20-37

Account Number: 61122797

Reference: Name of member

Full membership gives access to play at all times.* 

Concessions are available for families, seniors, full-time students and juniors.  

*Please note that the number of courts available may be reduced during Club Matches or Coaching Sessions. 

How to join

If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact the club: for further details.  

Membership prices 2025/26 season

New member offer                                                        £130.00 (Applies if you have never previously been a member)

Adult full member                                                         £230.00

Adult full member partner                                             £205.00

Adult Under 25's                                                           £170.00

Family membership (1 adult + children max 3)            £280.00

Family membership (2 adults + children max 3)          £440.00

Full member concession (over 65)                               £170.00

Student (18 - 25yrs in full time education)                    £70.00 - Proof required

Junior full member (16 yrs and under)                         £40.00

Adult coaching only ( ETC coach must be present)     £40.00  

Junior coaching only ( ETC coach must be present)   £20.00