Club Contacts

The Club address is:

The Parish Field
Cootes Lane
CB24 4SL

Email: fendraytontennis@gma​

Tel: 01954 231752  or  01480 830353

Committee members

Chairman Willie Wilson
Membership Secretary Nicola Duncan
Club Welfare Officer
Click here for our Welfare Officer Poster
Erika Pyne
Treasurer Carole Eaton
Junior Co-ordinator Matt Norton
Committee members Darren Stevens
Geoff Mudge
Kay Rogers
Mark Reynolds

Contact us via email here...

Where to find us

The Club Courts are easily found in Fen Drayton.

Simply drive to the Fen Drayton Village Hall and park in the gravel car park.  Walk between the Bowling Green on the left and childrens playground on the right into the green to find the courts located on the left beyond the Bowling Green.

Fen Drayton Tennis Club
The Parish Field,Cootes Lane Fen Drayton CAMBRIDGE Cambridgeshire CB24 4SL