
The Club allows responsible juniors aged 13 years + to play unsupervised.  Juniors under the age of 13 years must always be supervised on court by their parent / carer or another adult who has expressly agreed to take responsibility for them. No adult can be responsible for more than three young children at the same time 

Within the parameters of the responsibilities required by the LTA of the Club, it should be recognised that parents and other adults supervising children must always take due care of and responsibility for the safety of their children while  they are using, or travelling to and from, the courts, taking account of the fact that for much of the time the courts are largely unsupervised and unattended.


The club's  Safeguarding Policy , Child Protection Policy and LTA's Code of Conduct apply to all juniors. These can be downloaded from the Rules & Policies page . 

The Welfare Officer poster is displayed at the courtside and on the Pavilion noticeboard.

Anyone can contact the Club's Welfare Officer if they have any safegauarding concerns and these will be addressed sensitively and confidentially.

Contact the Welfare Officer by  email: or by the telephone number on the Contact Us page. 


Historically, the focus of Junior activities  has been  on Junior Coaching but the Club welcomes wider usage of the courts by junior members.

Juniors (14 years+ ) may attend adult rollups, subject to their being of competent standard and behaving appropriately.

Please note for juniors (as for adults), the  Court Rules must be followed at all times and parents/carers must ensure that their children are familiar with this document, which is also posted on the gates to the courts and on the Pavilion noticeboard.