
Quiz Winners

El Capitano secures first title.

An excellent Quiz Night was enjoyed by 10 teams on Saturday 9th November. The Quiz Master was Robert 'Bamber' Gremson, who certainly challenged the grey matter of contestants. (It didn't take much). A lovely supper of shepherd's pie & peas, followed by dessert was provided by Lynne Gremson and son, Ben. With Lia behind the bar it was a full house! 

The eventual winners were 'Abject Liability', led by new Men's Captain, Lee Sharpe, and his predecessor and on-court accomplice, Matt Ollerenshaw

A special mention for the very good sports of the Banditos Espania team, who picked up the Wooden Spoon.

Many thanks to all who supported and especially to the Gremson family.

See you next time.