
 Fulwood LTC adheres to the LTA's  SAFE AND INCLUSIVE CODE OF CONDUCT and the following policies in the links below:

• Prioritise the well-being of all children and adults at all times
• Be a positive role model. Act with integrity, even when no one is looking
• Help to create a safe and inclusive environment both on and off court and promote the Fair Play values: enjoy; respect
• Value and celebrate diversity and make all reasonable efforts to meet individual needs
• Keep clear boundaries between your professional and personal life, including on social media
• Check you have the relevant consent from parents/carers, children and adults before taking or using photos and videos
• Ensure your own roles and responsibilities, and those of everyone you are responsible for, are clearly outlined and everyone has the information, training and support to carry them out
• Where possible, do not be alone with a child or adult at risk
• Do not abuse, neglect, harm or discriminate against anyone; or act in a way that may be interpreted as such*
• Doing nothing is NOT an option: report all concerns and disclosures as soon as possible, following the Concern Reporting Procedure. If someone is in immediate danger, call the police (999).
*It is illegal to have a relationship with someone who is under 18 years old if you are in a position of trust; it is illegal to have a sexual relationship with anyone under the age of 16 whether they give consent or not. 
The Code of Conduct should be interpreted in a spirit of integrity, transparency and common sense, with the best interests of children and adults at risk as the primary consideration.

Please take time to read FLTC policies below

Fulwood LTC Rules
Membership Terms and Conditions

FLTC Constitution

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

FLTC LTA Diversity and Inclusion Policy

LTA Transgender Policy

Safeguarding Policy

FLTC Safeguarding Policy

Lancashire County Association Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding at events & Activities

Online Safety and Communications Policy

Use of Changing Room Policy

Anti-bullying Policy

Safe Recruitment Policy

LTA Photography Policy

Photography and Filming Consent Form

Compliment, Complaint and Disciplinary Policy

Welfare Officer

Welfare Officer

Reporting a  Concern Form

Flowchart Guidance

Code of Conduct

Disciplinary Procedure


LTA Team Tennis Guidance