History of the Club
It had been believed for many years that the Club was founded in 1891. However, the Preston Guardian of 25th June, 1892, proves that the first courts were opened for play on Thursday, 23rd June, 1892. The twelve founder members, who all lived nearby, had probably met in 1891 and started to plan the site and activities of the club. These gentlemen approached Mr. James Gregson, of Highgate Park, who offered them a plot of land east of and adjoining what is now called Highgate Close on the north side of Watling Street Road.
After the draining and levelling the land, three grass courts were laid. At the time of the opening of the Club, ladies' and gentlemen's changing rooms and a club room had been planned but had not yet been erected. The Preston Guardian reported that 'several games were indulged in and refreshments were partaken of in one of the canvas tents erected on the ground'. The Club was opened formally by Mr. Richard Veevers, of 8 Lower Bank Road, who played the first ball.
Little is known of the detailed activities of the Club for the next few years, however, it must have prospered as, after six years, in 1897, more courts were required and the Club moved to its present site, only a hundred yards or so up Watling Street Road.
The chapters below follow the history of the club through the next 100 years.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6