
Glebian Tennis Club             Complaints



Any complaints relating to Child Protection or Safeguarding issues should be referred IMMEDIATELY (preferably by the complainant or the person to whom they complain) to the Club's Welfare Officer (Penny Hollowell at  or the LTA Safeguarding Team (




Other Complaints

Complaints Procedures

A complaint can be classed as any expression of dissatisfaction. A complaint can be verbal or in writing.

Some complaints are relatively minor and can be dealt with easily, while others may need a much more considered response.


Examples of Minor Complaints   

The standard of the tennis balls purchased by the Club

The frequency of the provision of new balls

The WC door lock is broken.


Minor Complaints Procedure

Any complaint should be made to a member of the Committee. If the Committee member thinks it is a minor issue, they should discuss this with another member of the Committee. Providing both parties agree it is a minor issue they can provide a reply to the complainant, either verbally or in writing (Email) and let the complainant know that the Committee will be informed at the next Committee meeting.

Stuart Allenby will act as a contact point for any Committee member who receives a minor complaint. Stuart’s details are:

Telephone: 07825 641454


Examples of a Serious Complaints

A complaint about the behaviour of a club member

A complaint about a visitor to the club

A complaint about the behaviour of a visiting player during a match.

A complaint about the running of the club


Serious Complaints Procedure

Any complaint must be made to a member of the Committee. The email addresses of current committee members are shown at the end of this document.

The person receiving the complaint should not attempt to answer the complaint or provide any timescale for a response.

The person receiving the complaint should explain to the complainant that they will refer the complaint to the Committee.

The person receiving the complaint should not commit the club or the committee to any course of action to remedy the complaint.

The person receiving the complaint should make all Committee members aware of the nature of the complaint.

Once the Committee is aware of the complaint it can decide on the seriousness of the complaint and discuss an appropriate response and the course of action it needs to take. It is necessary to consider all serious complaints carefully, and to set out the Committee’s response and the actions (if any) that it need to take.

It may be appropriate to discuss the complaint at a normal Committee meeting, but if the complaint is very serious, it may be necessary to call an emergency meeting to discuss this.

It might be necessary for Stuart to talk to someone if the complaint is about them and to seek their view of events.

Some complaints can be spurious or vexatious and may be made for malicious reasons. Therefore, the Committee need to consider serious complaints carefully and examine them from all angles, before providing a response.

Stuart Allenby will provide a response to any serious complaint on behalf of the Club or Committee.

E mail Addresses

Callom Harkrader (Chairman):

Stuart Allenby (Vice Chairman):

Nick Atkins:

Helen Cornwall (Treasurer):

Jean Ellis:

Bradley Halcrow:

Karen Sutton:


Nigel Hollowell:

Peter Bradbury:



Approved 19th February 2022

Amended at AGM 20th April 2022

This Policy will be reviewed annually after each AGM

Reviewed December 2023