Latest News


Save the Date

The club has lots of things planned for the upcoming months. We'll give more details of each as they arrive on the horizon on our Future Events page, but to wet your appetite, here's a list of what you can look forward to over this season:

Saturday 3rd June 2-5pm Prosecco Day.  Bring a picnic and bring a friend for free. Social tennis, cardio, music, prosecco, soft drinks available (book a taxi !) *

Saturday 17th June:  Jacqui Foster Mixed Doubles Tournament.*

Saturday 1st July: Strawberry Tea. Bring your friends and family along. *

Saturday 15th July: Club Barbeque 6.30pm.  Friends and families are very welcome to join us.

Friday 4th August:  6 for 6.30pm: Whistle Tournament.

Friday 18th August:  6 for 6.30pm: American Tournament.

Saturday 2nd September: Newhouse Trophy Competition.*

Saturday 16th September: In House Summer Championships Finals Day- Bring a Picnic. Friends and family welcome.*

Saturday 30th September: "Call My Bluff Wine Tasting Evening" hosted by Sharman Wines. Christ Church Hall (Coffee Lounge).

* In case of bad weather certain events will be rescheduled for the following day.

These events help to keep the club functioning, so we look forward to seeing as many members present as possible.