Latest News


Saturday Social Tennis is here...

From March 4th Courts 4 and 5 are booked 10am - 1pm for Social Play on Saturday mornings.  

This extra session is available for all members and we hope it will be of particular interest to individuals who work during the week. If you wish to be added to the Club Session Whatsapp Group please let us know.  Otherwise, just turn up any time between 10am and 1pm.

Please note: Cardio With Nic will continue as usual on Saturday mornings.

Club Afternoon will continue on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1pm.  This will revert to Club Evenings 6pm onwards from Tuesday April 4th.    All members welcome.

Presentation of prizes for winners of the Club Winter Championships will take place on Tuesday April 4th (first Club Night of the season).  Would competitors please complete your matches and send results to Wayne asap.

Big Bash Tickets @ £20 each are now available from Denise, Irene and Marian. Christ Church Hall 7pm- 11.30pm  March 25th 2023.  Live Music with Jump the Q, pie, potatoes and peas (please pre order veg option), fun, games and "posh" raffle.

Please contact Marian if you are able to donate a pudding. 

Quiz and Membership Raffle:  Thank you to everyone who supported the recent fundraisers, the final combined total was almost £600 towards club funds.    Membership Raffle tickets for 2024 will be available at The Big Bash and at the Presentation on April 4th.

Thank you