The Club and the local community

Our two courts are owned by the Great Massingham Village Hall Charity. The Club enjoys a good relationship with the Charity Trustees and the directors of the associated Social Club Community Interest Company that runs the bar.
The Club has free and exclusive use of the courts but in return shoulders the responsibilty to maintain and renew the courts for the benefit of the local community. This is set out in a formal agreement between the Trustees and the Club. The agreement also ensures that fees are kept low so as not to be a barrier to membership. The Club welcomes people from all walks of life, young and old. About a third of our membership comes from Massingham and the rest mainly from surrounding villages.
Given that it will cost about £20,000 to renew the court surfaces and that our courts are over 30 years old - more than twice the expected life of a court - the job of looking after the courts is a serious one. The main enemy is moss: in winter sodden moss freezes and pops the stones from the court surface. We moss-kill regularly and every few years have the courts pressure washed. With the help of 20 members we repaired many of the holes in the lower court but the upper court is beyond such repair. We recently spent over £3,000 repairing and repainting the fence and fence posts. We set aside a 'sinking fund' of £2,500 each year for court renewal.
Of course maintaining and renewing the courts is the principal way in which we can repay the community for providing us with tennis courts. But we do other things as well. We played a part in organising Great Massingham's participation in the West Norfolk Village Games and funded the clothing that participants wear. We maintain and do a fortnightly check of the five-a-side football goals which the local youngster make great use of. We keep the area around the courts neat and tidy. In winter months, the Youth Club use the courts without charge. A few years ago we raised £1,550 for the Stroke Association. With the organisational skill of Ali Ward, the technical skill of Brian Francis and Robin Arbenz and many other helpers, we completely redecorated the changing room toilets and fitted out the kitchenette.
In 2022 the Tennis club did a considerable amount of fund raising during the Covid pandemic via the Calor Gas go fund me scheme and with some matched funding from Sport England managed to install floodlighting on the 2nd tennis court near the road. We also update the top court lighting to LED to be cost effective and enviromentally friendly.
In 2023 with the help of a grant from Norfolk County Council and the balance coming from Tennis club funds we spent £30,000 + having the courts resurfaced and repainted.