Club Programme: what's on when

See the sub-page Days and Times for the times and days of Club sessions, Ladies Morning etc.
For coaching: Ashley Swift 07787121312 email Lorna Taylor 07799258666
The courts are available to members for private play up to 10:00pm other than the times listed in the Every Week page.
Use of FloodLights
Both courts now have floodlighting, to comply with our planning permission the club insists that the top court floodlighting is used first. If the top court is already in use or booked then of course please use the bottom court.
Again to comply with our permission the bottom court lights will be dimmed and please note THE ELECTRICITY WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY SWITCHED OFF AT 9 PM, on this court.
The exception to these rules will be for official league matches etc, the overriding controls are in a locked cabinet only to be used by those nominated by the club committee.
Call Clare for tokens for the lights or the entry padlock code for the tennis hut. Tokens can also be bought from the Village Hall club bar when it is open - usually after 7pm Wed - Sat . Clare also sells balls at £6/tin if you need any.
Want to know more: Call Steve 07557357415 or come to one of the Club Sessions.