Club Sessions - often the best way to get started

See the sub-page Days and Times for the times and days of Club sessions, Ladies Morning etc.  

Every week, weather permitting, the Club runs four 'regular' Club Sessions, a Ladies Tennis morning and there's an improvers group every week.   Coming to a Club Session is often a good way to find out a bit more about the Club and meet some of the members.

If you are not a member, you're still welcome to come along to try us out. Our Improvers group on Thursday mornings begins at 9:30am (contact Phil Ward - 07971119936 for more details) and this is a good place to start if you are a bit rusty.  The Thursday group is supported by a coach led session for improvers on Mondays 12 - 2.00 pm contact Jeremy to join this 07789223791

At the regular Club Sessions we have a good mix of players, some teenagers and a sprinkling of 70 and 80 year olds and everything in between.   Some are good and others aspiring to be better.   Some participants worry at first that they might not be good enough but these anxieties are quickly dissipated although If you are a complete beginner, you might find one of the coaching groups is a good place to start. It's all very relaxed and informal and you'll be made welcome.    Regular Club Sessions are Sundays from 10:00-12.00pm Tuesdays from 2.00 - 4.00 pm  with a Ladies evening session 6.00 - 8.00 pm for Intermediate players  Thursday Improvers club session 9 -12.00pm with a Mens evening session 7 - 9.00 pm for Intermediate players and  Fridays 10 -12.00 pm club session 

There's tea and coffee and time for a chat at all these sessions. Often someone who knows how to make a good impression brings a cake.   Bring £1 to cover tea/coffee and the balls/session.

Any queries ring Steve Gould on 07557357415 and he will try and answer your questions.  Clare Parker also has a stock of balls at £6/tin if you need any - 01485 520469