Greenwood Park Tennis Club Events

Regular Social Tennis

Adult doubles social tennis sessions are held weekly throughout the year, on Thursdays from 7pm and Sundays from 10am.  All members are very welcome.  We also invite non-members to attend 2 sessions, to try us out before joining.

We currently play 25min games (rather than full sets), then mix-in.  This ensures all courts finish at the same time and allows us to mix up the pairings, so you don't play consecutive games with the same people.  It also avoids anyone having to sit out for too long if there are odd numbers.

We have a Whatsapp group so members can check others are attending, which is useful if the weather is marginal. Contact David Thompson with your mobile number, to be added to the group ( Members can also use this group to arrange ad hoc games.

During the summer months, some of the Sunday social sessions are replaced by tournaments, to which all members are invited.  See the events calendar below.

Junior social sessions are held on Friday evenings during term time, from 4pm until 6pm. Please contact Sam Pink for further information.

Events Calendar

To receive updates on club events, please make sure you consent to 'News and Events' emails in your Clubspark profile and that your DOB is correct (due to safeguarding precautions we cannot send you emails if your DOB indicates you are a junior). Instructions on how to do this can be found here.
Also please check your email spam settings do not block our emails. Add "Greenwood Park LTC <>" and "" to your safe senders list.

Draft Events Timetable for 2025



To download the calendar to an email client, use the following links:
Public url:
Public address in ical format :