Club News

Play Safe & Stay Safe @ HTC

The HTC courts are open for play in line with Government & LTA guidance .


Return to Play Guidance

The move to Step 4 on 19 July 2021 saw the removal of a large number of restrictions, with no set restrictions on how many people can take part in sport and physical activity. This was the case through the period of 'Plan B' restrictions and continues to be the case following the return to 'Plan A' on 27 January 2022.

The following simple overarching guidance of key considerations for tennis venues, coaches, officials and players is a summary of relevant Government guidance. An accompanying set of FAQs contain information on specific questions, whilst Sport England have also published separate FAQs.


To read the full article from the LTA website please check out here


We would like to remind all users of our courts that whilst tennis is a socially distant sport and the risk of transmission of COVID-19 whilst participating is low, all participants should continue to:

Follow good hygiene practices, to reduce the risk of transmission in sport environments.

Consider the wishes of other participants (i.e. if they do not wish to shake hands after a match).

Avoid sharing water bottles or other refreshment containers. Where possible, you should take your own drink, in a labelled or highly distinguishable container.

Face coverings are no longer required by law, but the government expects and recommends that people should continue to wear them in crowded and enclosed settings, to protect themselves and others.


Thank you.