Play Safe & Stay Safe @ HTC

Safeguarding & Welfare Officers

The Club has two Welfare Officers - Jane Wybron & Nicola Gorringe.

They are long-standing club members and are responsible for promoting safeguarding and welfare within our venue and  working with others to ensure HTC provides a safe, accessible, enjoyable and welcoming experience for all. Please see the Welfare Officer poster -  go to here

They can be contacted by emailing

Tennis is a sport that can be played by anyone. It is the aim of Haddenham Tennis club to offer a safe and inclusive tennis environment to enable everyone to participate and feel welcome.

We all play a vital role in keeping children and vulnerable adults safe both embedding practices that help promote people's well-being and responding to concerns if they arise.


To NOT report a concern is NOT an option - SEE something SAY something!

We have produced a quick and easy guide to all our safeguarding responsibilities -  go to here


Safeguarding & Welfare Documentation

Haddenham Tennis Club has to demonstrate it has six safeguarding standards in place to qualify for the annual LTA Venue Registration. They are:

  • Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
  • Diversity & Inclusion Policy  and Procedures
  • Welfare Officer information - Welfare Officers Poster displayed at our venue and here on the website
  • Risk Assessment Form
  • Coaching Safeguarding Standards - Safe To Play poster displayed at our venue and here on the website
  • Criminal Record Checks

Safeguarding & Welfare posters are displayed on the HTC noticeboards inside the pavilion and on the Court 1 noticeboard as well as here on the sub-page tabs above.

Policies and Guidance documents can be found by clicking on the links belows.  

  1. HTC Accident & Incident Report Form
  2. HTC Action Concerns poster
  3. Reporting A Safeguarding Concern
  4. HTC Safeguarding Policy & Procedures 2023
  5. HTC Anti-Bullying Policy
  6. HTC Diversity & Inclusion Policy
  7. HTC Online Safety and Communication Policy
  8. HTC Photography and Filming Best Practice Guidance

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact our Welfare Officers direct on