Summer News update
Tue, 16 Jul 2024 00:00

Tennis Ball Recycling Project
To all HTC Members & Court Users
Tennis Ball Recycling
The LTA is launching a nationwide green initiative for tennis ball recycling and has teamed up with a company to implement. Haddenham Tennis Club has been chosen as one of the Pilot Scheme Clubs.
The scheme is to provide ball collection containers that are kept on the court and a company comes to collect when full.
The balls are sent to a recycling centre where they are 'de fluffed' and ground into rubber crump which is used to produce products like safety surfaces, foot-ware soles & building materials. Every year millions of tennis balls go into land fill as eventually other recycling uses like balls for dogs and re use schemes end up as land fill, so this scheme is a solution to the problem.
We shall send out more information when the Pilot Scheme is launched, so please keep hold of your old tennis balls so we can recycle and don't throw in the rubbish bin!
Mini Court Repainting
The Mini Courts have been cleaned in preparation for repainting which should be completed soon as the company is waiting for some settled weather to complete the job.
We are getting them painted as dual purpose so that they can be used for Mini Tennis and Pickleball, a sport for adults and juniors widely played in the USA, so we look forward to seeing Mini Tennis and Pickleball being played. See Pickleball on the LTA site:
Pickleball | Pickleball courts, rules & how to play | LTA Everything you need to know about pickleball, from the equipment needed to where to play and what to expect. |
Storage Container
Blaise, our Head Coach uses the storage container in the car park to keep all his equipment. This is in need of a make over, so the Parish Council and Tennis Club have organised working parties with all the container users (HTC Football & Haddenham Players) to make water proof and repaint - so keep an eye out for the transformation. Volunteers for the working parties are very welcome!
Best wishes
Bev Wilson
HTC Chair