
About the club

Access to Club: Parking is available, but please do not block the driveways of private houses nearby.

Gate to Courts: Courts are accessed by a coded lock. Members are given the code on the court booking email. There is also keycode access to the clubhouse.

Tennis Balls: Are normally provided and stored in the entrance lobby of the clubhouse. Balls are supplied for club social sessions and coaching.

Courts: All courts must be booked using the online booking system. Courts  should be booked in one hour periods starting from the first booking slot. 

Floodlights: Operate with 50p, £1 and £2 coins. Details of operation are on the lights in the Clubhouse.  On winter Club Nights, there is a charge of £2 per person. Alternatively, you can pay an annual club night floodlight fee of £30.


The building houses ladies and mens changing rooms with toilets and showers. There is also a ball machine (separate charge). Upstairs there is a kitchen and meeting room.

Playing opportunities

Club Nights:  Tuesday evening from 6.00 pm

Mixed morning: Saturdays from 10.00 am

Mixed morning: Sundays from 9.30 am

Mixed afternoon: Mondays from 1.30pm

If you are not confident about just turning up to play or are concerned that you aren’t good enough, please contact Kanize Cozens or any other committee member for help in finding playing opportunities.

The club has various WhatsApp groups to help facilitate play. Please contact Anne Holmes or any other committee member for more details or if you want to be added to a group so that you can find someone to play singles or doubles with.


Visitors: Are welcome. A £5.00 payment per visitor on each visit should be put in the ‘honesty box’ inside the clubhouse, using the envelopes provided or by BACS to HALLOW LAWN TENNIS CLUB sort code 40 47 17, account number 00416568 using the member's name as a reference. Any visitor living within a 10 mile radius can only play 5 times each year before having to join the club. 

Social events:  The club runs various social events throughout the year. You are normally notified about these by email but details are also posted on the website and Facebook page

The club has various policies which are all available here