Team Tennis

Haslemere Lawn Tennis Club plays in the LTA East Hampshire (workday evenings) and Wilson (daytime and weekends) Surrey leagues and submits mens, ladies, mixed and mixed vets teams. If you are interested in playing for, or running one of the teams, please contact the Match Secretary, Nick Guliga or any of the team captains.

Ladies' A Captain                                Julie Duckworth

Ladies' A Wilson (Daytime)           Laurence Gonzalez-Carvajal

Ladies' B Captain                                 Viv Shorleson                 

Ladies' B Wilson (Daytime)           Marie Buckley

Ladies' C Captain                                 Michelle Calcutt                  

Men's A Captain                                   Garry Stoner                   

Men's B Captain                                   Nick Guliga            

Men's C Captain                                   Mark Shelley             

Mixed A Captain                                  Graham Carr

Mixed B Captain                                  Brian Winter              

Vets Mixed A Captain                       David Sewell                   

Vets Mixed B Captain                   Barbara Johnston