
#BoltonLeague #Mixed #ConfirmedTeamSheets #2024




Match fees remain at £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for juniors.


👨‍✈️ A team Captain - Joe Jackson

👨‍✈️ B team Captain - Alex Murphy

👩‍✈️ C team Captain - Kate Caldwell

👩‍✈️ D team Captain - Janet Holden


Match 1 - 23/04

A : Gaz D, Alex M, Ste C, Marla D, Lisa C, Helen A : LOST 6-3

B : Andy J, Luke B, Andy M, Junior EC, Kate C, Fiona W : WON 7-2

C : Mark H, Junior JH, Alex F, Rachel E, Nina B, Janet H : LOST 6-3

D : Open Date

Reserves in no order - Malcolm Y, John L, Joy D

Unavailable - Laura H, Miles H, Rachel T, Kelly B, Andy L, Ben M, Steve Ha, Joe J, Jamie A, Sam E, Zilpha L, Stephen Ho, Dylan C, Ben H, Henry D, Barry W, Ed B, Donna B, Emma E


Match 2 - 30/04

A : Joe J, Alex M, Ste C, Rachel B, Lisa C, Marla D : WON 5-4

B : Andy J, Luke B, Junior SE, Donna B, Junior EC, Kate C : WON 8-1

C : Mark H, Andy M, Junior JH, Fiona W, Rachel E, Nina B : WON 6-3

D : Malcolm Y, Steve Harr, Junior EC, Janet H, Joy D, Joan W : LOST 8-1

Reserves : Helen A, Emma E

Unavailable : Hermione E, Stephen Hoy, Gaz D, Celia R, Kelly B, Ed B, Kath A, Lara R, John L, Jamie A, Ben M, James L, Zilpha L, Ben H, Henry D, Barry W, Alex F, Laura H, Giacomo G, James L, Hermione E


Cecil Cup - 07/05

A : Gaz D, Joe J, Ed B, Lisa C, Marla D, Helen A : WON 50-33.5

B : Ste C, Alex M, Luke B, Donna B, Junior EC, Kate C : LOST 50-33.5

C : Stephen Hoy, Mark H, Junior JH, Nina B, Emma E, Joan W : WON 51-44.5

D - no match

Reserves in no order : Joy D, Malcolm Y, Junior EC, John L, Barry W

Unavailable : Andy L, Dave W, Janet H, Laura H, Rachel T, Celia R, Dylan C, Hermione E, Amelia E, Kath A, Jamie A, Henry D, Rachel E, Sam E, Steve Harr, Ben H, Zilpha L, Fiona W, Andy J


Match 3 - 14/05

A : Gaz D, Joe J, Ste C, Lisa C, Rachel T, Marla D : LOST 8-1

B : Stephen Hoy, Alex M, Luke B, Helen A, Donna B, Kate C : LOST 5-4

C : Andy M, Mark H, Junior JH, Rachel E, Fiona W, Nina B : LOST 7-2

D : Malcolm Y, Barry W, Alex F, Emma E, Joan W, Joy D : WON 7-2

Reserve : Kelly B

Unavailable : John L, Sam E, Kath A, Henry D, Amelia E, Hermione E, Janet H, Zilpha L, Dave W, Ben M, Jamie A, Evie C, Steve Harr, Ben H, Lara R, Dylan C, Laura H, Andy J


Match 4 - 21/05

A : Gaz D, Ste C, Andy J, Lisa C, Marla D, Rachel T : LOST 5-4

B : Alex M, Luke B, Stephen Hoy, Helen A, Kate C, Junior EC : WON 7-2

C : Junior SE, Mark H, Junior JH, Rachel E, Nina B, Emma E : WON 9-0

D : Barry W, Alex F, John L, Joan W, Janet H, Kelly B : LOST 7-2

Reserves in no order : Junior EC, Malcolm Y, Steve Harr

Unavailable : Celia R, Andy L, Henry D, Ed B, Jamie A, Laura H, Ben H, Kath A, Joy D, Amelia E, Hermione E, Fiona W, Joe J, Zilpha L, Donna B


Cecil Cup - 28/05

A : Joe J, Ed B, Gaz D, Lisa C, Marla D, Rachel T : WON 48-35.5

B : No match

C : Stephen Hoy, Junior SE, Barry W, Rachel E, Nina B, Kate C : WON 50-47.5

D : No match

Reserves in no order : Donna B, Joan W, Joy D, Alex M, Junior EC, Andy J, Junior HD

Unavailable : Malcolm Y, Laura H, Ben H, Zilpha L, Kelly B, Jamie A, Andy L, Heath A, Steve Harr, Kath A, Jacob H, Dylan C, Hermione E, Amelia E, Evie C, Luke B, Emma E, Fiona W, Stephen Hoy


Match 5 - 04/06

A : Joe J, Andy J, Ste C, Lisa C, Marla D, Rachel T : LOST 6-3

B : No match/open date

C : Junior SE, Mark H, Junior JH, Fiona W, Rachel E, Nina B : WON 9-0

D : Steve Harr, Alex F, Janet H, Laura H : WON 5-4

Reserves in no order : John L, Ethan C, Alex M, Stephen Hoy, Luke B, Joy D, Andy M, Evie C, Kate C, Donna B

Unavailable : Ben H, Kath A, Gaz D, Jamie A, Henry D, Ed B, Dylan C, Hermione E, Amelia E, Malcolm Y, Emma E, Joan W


Match 6 - 11/06

A : Joe J, Ste C, Alex M, Lisa C, Donna B, Helen A : LOST 7-2

B : Andy J, Luke B, Stephen Hoy, Junior EC, Kate C, Fiona W : WON 9-0

C : Mark H, Junior JH, Junior SE, Emma E, Rachel E, Nina B : WON 6-3

D : Junior EC, John L, Alex F, Joan W, Joy D, Janet H : WON 5-4

Reserves : None

Unavailable : Laura H, Ben H, Ed B, Barry W, Marla D, Henry D, Dylan C, Kath A, James L, Jamie A, Lara R, Gaz D, Hermione E, Amelia E, Rachel T, Malcolm Y, Steve Harr.


Match 7 - 18/06

A : Andy J, Ste C, Alex M, Lisa C, Marla D, Rachel T : LOST 5-4

B : Mark H, Luke B, Junior SE, Donna B, Junior EC, Kate C : WON 7-2

C : No match/open date

D : Barry W, Alex F, Andy M, Joy D, Janet H, Emma E : LOST 7-2

Reserves in no order : Ethan C, Jacob H, Henry D, Stephen Hoy?, Nina B, Fiona W

Unavailable : John L, Celia R, Ed B, Joe J, Kath A, Jamie A, Gaz D, Amelia E, Hermione E, Joan W, Steve Harr, Laura H, Helen A


Cecil Cup - 19/06

A : No match

B : No match

C : Mark H, Junior JH, Stephen Hoy, Kate C, Nina B, Rachel E : WON 48.5-47

D : No match

Reserves : None


Cecil Cup - 22/06

A : Joe J, Andy J, Alex M, Marla D, Helen A, Donna B : WON 56.5-34

B : No match

C : No match

D : No match

Reserves : None

Unavailable : Rachel T, Lisa C, Ste C, Gaz D

half way thru!


Match 8 - 25/06

A : Joe J, Ste C, Alex M, Lisa C, Marla D, Helen A : LOST 8-1

B : Luke B, Stephen Hoy, Andy J, Junior EC, Fiona W, Rachel E : WON 5-4

C : No match/opposition cancelled can't raise a team

D : No match/open date

Reserves in no order : Andy M, Dylan C, Malcolm Y, Ethan C, Henry D, Janet H

Unavailable : Donna B, Zilpha L, Andy L, Alex F, Joy D, Ben H, Ed B, John L, Jamie A, Gaz D, Amelia E, Hermione E, Steve Harr, Laura H, Barry W, Emma E, Kate C


Match 9 - 02/07

A : Joe J, Alex M, Ste C, Marla D, Junior EC, Helen A

B : Gaz D, Luke B, Junior SE, Fiona W, Kate C, Rach E

C : Mark H, Jacob H, Andy M, Nina B, Kath A, Kath H

D : Alex F, John L, Junior HD, Janet H, Joy D, Joan W

Reserve : Ethan C

Unavailable : Ed B, Lisa C, Andy L, Stephen Hoy, Zilpha L, Malcolm Y, Dylan C, Steve Harr, Ben H, Joanne D, Barry W, Hermione E, Amelia E, Jamie A, Laura H, Andy J, Rachel T, Donna B, Emma E


Match 10 - 09/07






Match 11 - 23/07






Match 12 - 30/07


B - Open Date




Match 13 - 06/08






Match 14 - 13/08



C - Open Date







👩‍✈️ A team - Rachel Thomas

👨‍✈️ B team - Alex Murphy

👩‍✈️ C team - Nina Baxter

👩‍✈️ D team - Kate Caldwell


Team Practices





Match Fees - Match fees remain at £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for juniors.


18/04/23 - Cecil Cup Prelim Round

A team 🆚 Lostock A (home) - Marla D, Rachel T, Lisa C, Andy J, Gaz D, Joe J (LOST 58.5-40)

B team 🆚 no match

C team 🆚 no match

D team 🆚 no match


25/04 - Match 1 

A team 🆚 Ellesmere A (away) - Marla D, Lisa C, Rachel T, Joe J, Jamie A, Andy J (WON 5-4)

B team 🆚 Bradshaw B (home) - Fiona W, Emma E, Kate C, Andy M, Luke B, Barry W (LOST 6-3)

C team 🆚 Barrow Bridge A (away) - Rachel E, Kath H, Joy D, Junior S, Alex F, Junior He (LOST 7-2)

D team 🆚 Chorley C (home) - Laura H, Janet H, Debbie G, Steve H, Junior G, Malcolm Y (LOST 9-0)

Reserves - Junior J


02/05 - Match 2

A team 🆚 Markland Hill A (home) - Lisa C, Marla D, Rachel T, Andy J, Joe J, Jamie A (LOST 5-4)

B team 🆚 Holcombe Brook C (away) - Kate C, Fiona W, Nina B, Alex M, Luke B, Andy M (LOST 5-4)

C team 🆚 Markland Hill C (home) - Kath H, Emma E, Rachel E, Barry W, Junior G, Junior S (LOST 6-3)

D team 🆚 Lostock C (away) - Joy D, Laura H, Darrell C, Alex F, John L, Junior J (LOST 9-0)

Reserves - None


09/05 - Match 3

A team 🆚 Open night / no match

B team 🆚 DL Bolton B (home) - Fiona W, Kate C, Nina B, Ed H, Luke B, Alex M (LOST 9-0)

C team 🆚 Meadow Hill (away) - Rachel E, Emma E, Kath A, Junior S, Barry W, Andy M (WON 5-4)

D team 🆚 DL Bolton D (home) - Joy D, Janet H, Laura H, Alex F, James L, Junior He (LOST 8-1)

Reserves in no order - Junior G, Junior J, Malcolm Y


16/05 - Match 4

A team 🆚 Walmer A (home) - Lisa C, Danielle D, Helen A, Andy J, Joe J, Jamie A (WON 7-2)

B team 🆚 Eagley (away) - Fiona W, Kate C, Rachel E, Alex M, Luke B, Andy M (WON 5-4)

C team 🆚 Open night / no match

D team 🆚 Open night / no match

Reserves in no order - Laura H, Kath H, Joy D, Emma E, Rachel E, Joan W, Junior He, Junior G, Junior D, John L, Junior J, Alex F, Steve H, Junior S, Bradley B, Barry W


23/05 - Match 5

A team 🆚 Holcombe Brook A (home) - Lisa C, Rachel T, Marla D, Alex M, Gaz D, Joe J (LOST 6-3)

B team 🆚 Holcombe Brook B (away) - Fiona W, Kate C, Danielle D, Ed H, Barry W, Junior S (LOST 9-0)

C team 🆚 Walmer B (home) - Rachel E, Emma E, Nina B, Junior H, Ste C, Alex F (LOST 6-3)

D team 🆚 Holcombe Brook D (away) - Janet H, Joan W, Joy D, Steve H, John L, Junior G (LOST 8-1)

Reserves - None


30/05 - Cecil Cup Round 1

A team 🆚 n/a

B team 🆚 Markland Hill A (home) - Danielle D, Emma E, Nina B, Alex M, Andy J, Jamie A (LOST 54-40.5)

C team 🆚 Roe Green B (home) - Joan W, Joy D, Rachel E, Andy M, Ste C, Barry W (LOST 50.5-47)

D team 🆚 Elton Vale (away) - match details incorrect on website

Reserves in no order : Junior G, Leon I, Bradley B


06/06 - Match 6

A team 🆚 Lostock A (away) - Lisa C, Rachel T, Danielle D, Jamie A, Andy J, Gaz D (LOST 5-4)

B team 🆚 DL Bolton C (home) - Helen A, Joan W, Rachel E, Luke B, Alex M, Andy M (LOST 5-4)

C team 🆚 Elton Vale (away) - Jane M, Janet H, Laura H, Junior S, Alex F, Steve H (LOST 8-1)

D team 🆚 Lostock D (home) - Zilpha L, Hayley W, Kelly S, John L, Junior J, Malcolm Y (LOST 9-0)

Reserves in no order - Junior G, Leon I, Junior B


13/06 - Match 7

A team 🆚 Chorley A (home) - Lisa C, Marla D, Rachel T, Gaz D, Joe J, Andy J (LOST 5-4)

B team 🆚 Open night / no match

C team 🆚 DL Chorley (home) - Rachel E, Emma E, Junior E, Ste C, Andy M, Ed H (LOST 6-3)

D team 🆚 Bradshaw C (away) - Laura H, Janet H, Alison B, Junior He, James L, Bradley B (LOST 9-0)

Reserves for A team only - Fiona W, Alex M, Jamie A, Danielle D


20/06 - Cecil Cup Round 2

A team 🆚 n/a

B team 🆚 n/a

C team 🆚 n/a

D team 🆚 Lostock C (away) - Joy D, Laura H, Janet H, Malcolm Y, Alex F, Junior J (LOST 54-24.5)

Reserves - Alison B


27/06 - Match 8

A team 🆚 Ellesmere A (home) - Lisa C, Marla D, Rachel T, Joe J, Andy J, Gaz D (WON 6-3)

B team 🆚 Bradshaw B (away) - Kate C, Rachel E, Emma E, Alex M, Luke B, Junior S (WON 6-3)

C team 🆚 Barrow Bridge A (home) - Nina B, Joan W, Kath H, Andy M, Ste C, Barry W (LOST 5-4)

D team 🆚 Chorley C (away) - Janet H, Laura H, Alison B, Alex F, Steve H, John L (LOST 9-0)

Reserves in no order - Malcolm Y, Bradley B


04/07 - Match 9

A team 🆚 Markland Hill A (away) - Lisa C, Rachel T, Danielle D, Joe J, Ed B, James E (LOST 9-0)

B team 🆚 Holcombe Brook C (home) - Helen Ad, Emma E, Kate C, Alex M, Luke B, Andy M (WON 5-4)

C team 🆚 Markland Hill C (away) - Nina B, Kath H, Joan W, Alex F, Steve H, Mark B (LOST 7-2)

D team 🆚 Lostock D (home) - Laura H, Joy D, Janet H, Junior B, Malcolm Y, Junior E (LOST 9-0)

Reserve - Zilpha L


11/07 - Match 10

A team 🆚 Open night / no match

B team 🆚 DL Bolton B (away) - Danielle D, Helen A, Fiona W, Alex M, Luke B, Andy M (WON 5-4)

C team 🆚 Meadow Hill (home) - Rachel E, Kath H, Kate C, Junior S, Barry W, Alex F (LOST 7-2)

D team 🆚 DL Bolton D (away) - Kath A, Laura H, Janet H, Steve H, Junior G, Bradley B (LOST 9-0)

Reserves - None


25/07 - Match 11

A team 🆚 Walmer A (away) - Rachel T, Helen A, Lisa C, Andy J, Joe J, Alex M (WON 5-4)

B team 🆚 Eagley (home) - Fiona W, Rachel E, Emma E, Andy M, Ste C, Barry W (LOST 7-2)

C team 🆚 Open night / no match

D team 🆚 Open night / no match

Reserves in no order - Junior EC, Alison B, Laura H, Janet H, Bradley B, John L, Malcolm Y, Junior HD, Steve H


01/08 - Match 12

A team 🆚 Holcombe Brook A (away) - Lisa C, Rachel T, Claire D, Joe J, Andy J, Jamie A (WON 6-3)

B team 🆚 Holcombe Brook B (home) - Fiona W, Junior EC, Donna B, Andy M, Alex M, Alex F (LOST 7-2)

C team 🆚 Walmer B (away) - Kate C, Kath H, Joy D, Steve H, Robert C, Mark B (WON 6-3)

D team 🆚 Holcombe Brook D (home) - Janet H, Laura H, Zilpha L, Malcolm Y, Bradley B, Junior DC (LOST 9-0)

Reserves - None


08/08 - Match 13

A team 🆚 Lostock A (home) - Rachel T, Lisa C, Helen A, Andy J, Joe J, Alex M (LOST 6-3)

B team 🆚 DL Bolton C (away) - Fiona W, Kate C, Emma E, Andy M, Barry W, Alex F (LOST 6-3)

C team 🆚 Elton Vale (home) - Kath H, Joy D, Janet H, Steve H, John L, Malcolm Y (LOST 9-0)

D team 🆚 Lostock D (away) - Debbie G, Laura H, Alison B, Junior DC, Junior BH, Phil Sheridan (from Mark Hill) (LOST 8-1)

Reserves - None


15/08 - Match 14

A team 🆚 Chorley A (away) - Lisa C, Marla D, Fiona W, Joe J, Gaz D, Andy J (LOST 5-4)

B team 🆚 Open night / no match

C team 🆚 DL Chorley (away) - Rachel E, Kath H, Joy D, Junior SE, Alex F, Steve H (LOST 5-4)

D team 🆚 Bradshaw C (home) - Alison B, Kelly S, Laura H, Malcolm Y, Junior GG, Leon I (LOST 9-0)

Reserves for A only - Alex M, Luke B