
You can book a court on a pay-as-you-go basis for £8 per hour (tennis / netball / basketball), directly on our booking page.

OR, If you'd like to become a member of Holt Sports Courts, for free bookings, group tennis sessions and summer tournaments, please signup below. Fees enable HSRC to maintain the courts and associated equipment.

  • Adult (aged 16+): £100 per person for the full year, decreasing pro rata each quarter. Entitles you to book up to five 2-hour sessions per week. Book up to 4 weeks in advance.
  • Junior (under 16): £0 per person. If aged under 13, parents/guardians should register on their behalf. Entitles you to book up to three 90-minute sessions per week. Book up to 4 weeks in advance.

Member Guidelines:

  • Playing with non-members: It is the responsibility of the member to collect the guest contribution for the court (proportional to the PAYG fee i.e. £4 per hour if 1 member is playing with 1 guest, £6 if 1 member is playing with 3 guests etc). Please pay to HSRC by BACS as below.
  • HSRC Bank details for ancillary charges (e.g. guest players, tournament fees, league match costs etc): account 08574545, sort code 09-01-29.
  • Cancelling: the courts are in high demand so please cancel bookings if no longer needed, using the "View my Bookings” link, see LTA instructions for help.
  • Floodlights: Tokens are available at the village shop, 1 token = 50p for 30 mins. Tokens should be used in the boxes by the small pavilion.
  • HSRC reserves the right to take such action as it deems appropriate, including suspension of booking rights, in the event of any breach of these requirements or other reasonable cause.

Tennis group sessions

Various groups are run throughout the year:

  • Mixed Doubles are played on a Saturday morning. To add your name to the list or to find out more information please contact Roy on
  • Men’s Doubles: John Palmer organises the 47 Club that play every weekday morning. This is currently full at the moment but to go on the waiting list please contact John at
  • Ladies Doubles: Heather Newman organises a rota for the ladies on a Thursday morning. For more information, please contact Heather at
  • Ladies League: Would you like to play for Holt women’s team in the Chippenham & District League? To find out more and join associated sessions, contact Jo Lilley at


Adult Pay and Play - £8 per hour

01/03/2020 - 31/03/2025

Adult registration

Eligibility: 16 years and older

Join now

Adult Subscription 2024/2025

01/01/2025 - 31/03/2025

New adult sub running financial year

Eligibility: Over 16s

Join now

Child Annual Subscription

01/03/2020 - 31/03/2025

Child booking

Eligibility: Under 16 year old at time of booking

Join now