Club Booking Policy

All of the normal organised tennis (Club tennis, Ladies’ mornings, Team Matches and so on) will be up to date and maintained on Clubspark so that you can always have an accurate view of court availability.


Club Rules:

  • Court 4 will not be on the booking system as it heavily used for Coaching – when not booked on the system for coaching it is freely accessible to members without booking.
  • Court 3 will not be on the booking system AT ALL to ensure that we always have one court where members can turn up and play – after the review of the pilot in August the Committee will finalise the longer term roadmap.
  • Courts 1 and 2 will be on the booking system, therefore for these courts bookings will always take priority. The same rules apply for singles bookings and doubles bookings and people are expected to book for all social tennis (all tennis which is not part of an organised club activity).


  • A member will be able to book up to 7 days in advance.
  • A member can book a maximum of 2 hours in a single session.
  • A member can book a maximum of 3 times in each 7-day period.
  • We know that for joint adult members and people who frequently play singles & doubles together, there may be a temptation to book “back to back"
  • If, having booked a court, you are more than 15 minutes late, the booking is invalid, and the court can be used by someone else.
  • Please be courteous to other members by cancelling any bookings that will not be used in plenty of time to allow others to use the court time.
  • If, on arrival at the courts, a member has not booked, aiming to play on Court 3 but sees that either court 1 or 2 does not have a booking – that court can be used, but should someone subsequently book either court, the booked slot will take priority.

Additional Guidance

  1. Members who have booked courts have priority over members who haven’t booked and just turn up looking to play on courts 1 and 2.
  2. If court 4 is not in use by the club coach, it is available for general use – but please check the calendar for when the next booked coaching slot is.