Our policies below:
Cancellation policy for individual lessons
We ask for a 48 hrs notice if cancelling an individual lesson. If less than 48 hrs notice is given, we reserve the right to charge the full amount of the lesson fee.
Thank you for your understanding 🙏🏽 🎾
Cancellation policy for term-time group lessons
Our group lessons are booked per term or course, which is usually a block of 6 or so lessons.
Therefore we expect that when booking in for the course student pays for the full block (not individual sessions).
If a session is cancelled on our part (due to extreme weather or illness) then a cash credit in a form of a future discount or a refund will apply. We will normally inform of any cancellations via email several hours before the session time. If no email has been received then assume the session is going ahead as scheduled.
However, if for whatever reason the session is cancelled on the student's part or the student doesn't attend the session then no cash credit will apply and instead we encourage people to find someone they can swap lessons with (please inform us ahead of time if someone will be taking your place or you will be taking someone else's).
Occasionally free slots become available in other groups and we will try to do our best to slot you in to make up your session if possible. However these slots are NOT guaranteed and the student still bears full responsibility to attend their original session or otherwise lose their lesson. Also, please note that any make up sessions must attended within the same term/course as otherwise these are lost and cannot be carried over to the following term.
Thank you for your understanding 🙏🏽 🎾
Photography policy
We politely request that no-one takes videos or photos of group lessons without the consent of the Head Coach and all parents/students in the class.
IngasTennisSchool will only ever use photos and videos taken during lessons to promote our tennis activities on the following platforms: IngasTennisSchool website and IngasTennisSchool Facebook page. In all other cases additional consent will need to be granted by those in the video/photo.
Thank you for your understanding 🙏🏽 🎾
Cancellation for Holiday Camps
Due to extensive planning required to organise and run a Holiday Camp, we kindly request at least one week notice when cancelling a session at our junior Holiday Camp. If less than 1 week notice is given then the cancelled session is still subject to payment of the full amount.
Thank you for your understanding 🙏🏽 🎾
Safeguarding policies
We take safeguarding very seriously at IngasTennisSchool and adhere to all LTA Safeguarding policies which you can find here: https://www.lta.org.uk/about-us/safeguarding/overview/
If you are concerned about a safeguarding issue at IngasTennisSchool then please contact LTA safeguarding team and register a safeguarding issue here: https://safeguardingconcern.lta.org.uk/